Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Day One.

Day one...a phrase that you hear a whole lot on January 1st. Maybe it's cliche, maybe it gets old, but I love it. I love that people spend time thinking about the new year to come, thinking about what they want to change and who they want to become. Life is about becoming someone better than you were before.
I love making resolutions for the new year, even if they end up fizzling out by February. I think it's a wonderful opportunity to really look at your life and decide what you want.

I have always wanted a blog, for example, and have always had trouble keeping up with one. I also really want to improve my photography. So, I thought to myself, why not start this blog in order to achieve both of these goals? I googled "photography challenge 2014" and found an awesome daily photo challenge that I'm going to participate in. The challenge can be found at

I will be posting a photo (hopefully) everyday. I'm pretty stoked about this. :)

Day 1 - a goal

Yes. Like many people do in January, I am making a goal to get into shape! I am going to do the program found in the book Body by You: The You Are Your Own Gym Guide to Total Women's Fitness by Mark Lauren. My goal is to be able to do all of the advanced exercises by the end of the year. And trust me, it will probably take the whole year. Maybe even longer. But why not? Why not try it? I'm really excited.

Stay tuned for Day 2...


  1. is there no option to follow this blog? I can't find a "follow" button! I look forward to seeing your pics!!

  2. Uh.. I'm not sure! I'll try to figure it out!

  3. Hooray! I'm getting back into the blog world too this year. And trying to be more healthy. I look forward to reading your blog. Good luck with everything! (This is Brenda, by the way. I use WordPress)

    1. Yay! I'm looking forward to reading your blog too!
